Embrace Dallas

Creating a movement to embrace and preserve the history of Dallas.

Embrace Dallas is a public/private partnership between Preservation Dallas and the City of Dallas that sets out to capture Dallas’ physical history and map the important structures, cultural events and people that have shaped it into the vibrant city it is today.

The team at CivicBrand was hired to create a brand and campaign around the project in order to raise awareness and funds to make the survey a reality.






Persona Development
Naming Strategy
Video Strategy & Production

The process.

  • Persona Development

    I developed detailed audience personas so we could craft a message that resonates with each unique group and inspires them to support the project.

  • Brand Naming

    We explored numerous names for the campaign and project. We wanted a name that felt like a call to action that everyone could get behind. Ultimately, I came up with Embrace Dallas.

  • Project Video

    A big deliverable for this project was a video that Preservation Dallas could use to inspire people to donate. I was involved in all stages of production — from pre-production, interviewing the people you see on video, and guiding our video team on the final cut.


Watch the video.


Two Rivers, WI